Consigned antiques, vintage furniture, art, lighting, home accessories and more!

For Sellers

You bring us a fabulous piece of furniture or home accessory that you no longer want and we turn it into cash!

Items we love!

Dressers, coffee tables, chairs, sofas, end tables, settees, bookcases, dining room tables, buffets, armoires, beds (no mattresses please)
Vintage and midcentury pieces
Original or unique art
Children’s furniture
Anything to do with the Art of drinking wine! Wine glasses, wine buckets, decanters, unique corkscrews, bars, bar stools, a lovely tray to serve it on
Outdoor furniture and garden decor
*We only accept items that are clean and in good condition

So how do i show you what i have?

Call Bluebird Vintage Georgetown, (843) 936-3697. Please also indicate what the item originally cost and the brand if you know it. We will let you know if we feel it is something we could sell. If you have numerous items, you may schedule an appointment with the owner to come by and take a look.

How do i get my items to you?

You can bring them in at a scheduled time or hire someone from our list of local companies that will be happy to do it for you.


Items typically will be priced 1-7 days after arrival in the store. You can view your prices online at Prices are typically reduced by 20 percent at 3 weeks, 10 percent more at 6 weeks and an additional 10 percent at 9 weeks.


When the item sells, we split the amount it sells for with the consignor 50/50.

What if my item doesn’t sell?

The consignment contract is for 120 days. If the item hasn’t sold within 120 days, it must be picked up before the end of the contract or it will become property of the store and sold or donated.

When do i get paid?

Checks for items sold can be picked up after the 5th of the upcoming month. For example, items sold in November would be paid out Dec 5th.

How do I know what has sold?

All our consignors get access to their accounts through so you can always have an up-to-date report on your sales and know when you have a payment coming!

How do I get started?

Please download our consignment contract and intake form.  Compete the forms prior to the delivery of your item, and bring with you when you deliver your item(s) to us. We will provide you with your consignment number upon receipt of your contract.


for buyers

Please make sure you love it as much as we do because we do not accept returns!

Can i try an item out?

Yes! We want you to find that perfect item, so you can check an item out for 24 hours. The pricing on the item will be on the day the item is checked out. You just need to provide Bluebird Vintage with your credit card information. Take the item home and try it out. If it works let us know and we will run your credit card for the charge. If it doesn’t work, return the item within 24 hours and retrieve your credit card information. We do not store your credit card information and it is always shredded after use.

can i return a consigned item?

We do not provide returns on consigned items, so please be sure the item will fit in the space. Be sure to measure the route the furniture will travel to get to the space! That includes doorways, hallways and staircases. Check out this video on how to measure!

will your furniture fit?
Our delivery guy can tell you.